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What is ISMS: Information Security Management System


Discover what an ISMS (Information Security Management System) is, how to define it, and how to implement it within your company.


Sevan Marian


In a world where cyberattacks are increasing and threatening data security, information protection has become a major concern for businesses. In response to this reality, the Information Security Management System (ISMS) is central to cybersecurity strategies. Anchored in ISO 27001 certification, the ISMS provides a structured framework to prevent cyber threats and mitigate associated risks. In 2023, its role in protecting against cyberattacks is indispensable. In this article, we will explore in detail how the ISMS, through the ISO 27001 standard, can become an essential pillar to strengthen the cybersecurity strategy of companies, highlighting its advantages and implementation processes.

What exactly is an ISMS?

Definition of ISMS

ISMS stands for Information Security Management System. It is a fundamental framework within organizations, a strategic barrier against the incessant threats to information security. It consists of a set of tools, documents, and methods aimed at establishing and implementing an information security policy (ISP) tailored to the specific needs of each company. Structured around the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, also known as the Deming wheel principle, the ISMS offers a methodical and rigorous four-phase approach to ensure continuous improvement of the system.

What are the issues and benefits of ISMS?

Information security has become a crucial issue for businesses. Implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) is imperative to face these challenges. The benefits of an ISMS are numerous, ranging from consolidating stakeholder trust to reducing costs related to security incidents and improving operational efficiency.

However, ISO certification, while beneficial, requires a careful assessment of the company's resources and needs. It is essential to ask the right questions before embarking on this complex process. Is the standard mandatory for me? Is the company robust enough to impose long, heavy, and complex processes that will govern our management? Do I need to comply with all the rules that define the standard, or are some of them unnecessary?

Once the decision is made, it is crucial to form a dedicated team, including members such as the IT Director, Information Security Officer, project manager, auditor, and other technical security experts. This team must be guided by rigorous management and specialized skills, while maintaining a clear separation of roles to ensure the effectiveness and compliance of the information security system. Finally, once the process is initiated, it is important to know that the company commits for a minimum of 3 years during which the defined system must be applied and vigilance maintained.

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The steps of ISMS

As mentioned earlier, the process of implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) relies on a continuous improvement cycle, often represented by the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) model. This structural model provides a solid framework and a rigorous approach to ensure the effectiveness and relevance of the ISMS. Thus, it defines the key steps necessary for the design, implementation, and evaluation of the system.

Plan Phase:

  • Identify existing and probable risks.
  • Assess the consequences of identified risks.
  • Design an appropriate protection system.
  • Establish a detailed control plan.
  • Provide guidelines on tools and procedures for managing and protecting information and data.

Do Phase:

  • Draft the Information Security Policy (ISP).
  • Implement the security measures defined in the control plan.
  • Report the measures in the ISP for concrete implementation.

Check Phase:

  • Assess the compliance of security measures with standards such as ISO 27001.
  • Expand the security scope by attaching performance indicators to each measure.
  • Implement security awareness programs for employees.
  • Conduct an internal audit.

Act Phase:

  • Implement corrective, preventive, or improvement actions.
  • Reduce gaps identified during the "Check" phase.
  • Contact a certifying body to obtain ISO 27001 certification.
  • Conduct audits and follow-up verifications.

This iterative cycle ensures constant improvement of the information system security, in line with international best practices.

How to implement it?

What is an ISP ? How to define and implement an ISP ?

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